San Antonio is the seventh largest city in the United States and is 64% Hispanic. It is a UNESCO City of Gastronomy, known as Military City USA, home to the country’s largest MLK Day march, and one of the most recognized destination cities in the US – 31MM visitors annually. San Antonio is a tech, energy and financial business center, and is designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site with the Alamo and six Spanish Missions.

Matt Brown, CENTRO San Antonio

Matt Brown

HRS recruited Matt Brown to serve as the President and CEO of CENTRO, the Placemakers of Downtown San Antonio. Guided by Matt’s leadership, CENTRO works every day to create a more beautiful, playful and welcoming downtown. CENTRO does this via three non-profits, a Partnership, Member based Alliance, and Public Improvement District encompassing many of the City’s most important cultural assets such as the Riverwalk, Tobin Center, Market Square, La Villita, Main Plaza, San Pedro Creek, four historic theaters like the Majestic and Alameda.

Matt brings an innovative sprit and pragmatic get-it-done approach from his background as a lawyer, entrepreneur, C-level executive and, most recently, the Economic Development Director of Santa Fe, New Mexico. He is a non-traditional urban development professional and brings incredible systems thinking and creative problem-solving skills, combined with a record of practical results to San Antonio.