
HRS, Inc. is a privately held, client-centric corporation focused exclusively on identifying and evaluating C-Suite talent for the community and economic development industry. HRS provides clients with the best talent and creative leadership solutions available. The firm is recognized as a premier consultancy based on performance, contributions to industry “best practices,” and access to industry thought leaders.

The firm’s leadership paradigm represents a combination of superior process, uncompromising personal service, and industry knowledge gleaned from best practices found in leading business, industry, and nonprofit organizations. HRS specializes in identifying transformational leaders with cross-industry, cross-functional backgrounds and experience – leaders capable of driving dynamic, future-focused organizations.

The highly validated and proprietary behavioral leadership assessments employed by HRS assists clients in identifying leaders who energize strategic objectives, deliver superior results, and serve as a catalyst for prosperous, sustainable communities. The tremendous success achieved by executives hired thought HRS demonstrate the firm’s ability to identify stellar candidates.
HRS, Inc. was founded based on the tenets  proudly displayed in our logo – Integrity, Knowledge, and Service.

Mission Statement and Higher Purpose

To assist our clients in attracting executive leaders who will enhance, grow and sustain their respective organizations and communities.


To work with stakeholders to accurately assess both current and future leadership needs.

To provide best practice retained recruiting and consulting services.

To incorporate data analytics to ensure organizational fit.

To actively support diversity in all forms.

To enhance leadership success through onboarding.

Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion

Research shows that diversity within nonprofit organizations boosts the quality of decision makings and a diverse staff fosters enhanced innovation. Overall, organizations that are more gender diverse outperform others by 15%. Our record of diverse CEO placements coupled with the rich diversity found in candidate slates provide by HRS, demonstrate through performance our commitment to diversity and inclusion.