The Downtown Cleveland Alliance (DCA) strives to make Downtown Cleveland the most compelling place to live, work and play. To create a vibrant city center by enhancing the pedestrian experience and attracting more investment into Downtown Cleveland through strategic initiatives and advocacy efforts.

Joe Marinucci
HRS recruited Joe Marinucci as the President & CEO in 2006 to lead a newly created collaboration of downtown organizations designed to focus critical resources and maximize their impact on the future of downtown Cleveland.
Since 2006, Downtown Cleveland Alliance (DCA) has evolved from a special improvement district (SID) focused on the Clean & Safe Program, to an organization engaged in various aspects of Downtown Cleveland from business attraction and retention and retail development, to marketing and special events. Setting specific priorities for the organization, has helped DCA experience tremendous progress and earn a reputation as one of most exciting downtown experiences in America. Joe served on the board of the International Economic Development Council where he served as Chairman.