HRS, Inc. is the premier search firm in the urban space. The firm has placed more downtown leaders than any other firm in the industry — leaders who are driving some of the most recognized national programs in cities throughout North America.
HRS, Inc. earned Preferred Provider status from the International Downtown Association (IDA) in 2004 based on demonstrated performance and client satisfaction. The firm has maintained that relationship since.
Our unique process and resources, coupled with over 30-years of experience, drives the identification of both traditional and non-traditional candidates who inspire, vision, and collaborate to support communities in achieving their potential. Leaders who build sustainable, place-oriented initiatives that maximize the live, work, and play experience unique to each city and community.
The firm’s expertise includes a wide array of urban organizations such as, Public-Private Partnerships, BIDS, SSIDS, Development Corporations, Downtown Authorities, Professional Associations, Community Development Corporations (CDCs), River Development, and Innovation Districts.

Cherry Creek North Business Improvement District

CENTRO San Antonio

Downtown Cleveland Alliance

Downtown Indy

Downtown Memphis Commission

Downtown Tucson Partnership

Tulsa Downtown Coordinating Council

Downtown Yonge Business Improvement Association

East Liberty Development Inc.