Our ProcessHRS, Inc employs a 5-step process to identify and evaluate the best candidates to fit your needs.

  1. Pre-Search Consulting

  2. Research & Recruiting

  3. Candidate Evaluation

  4. Offer & Negotiation

  5. Onboarding

1. Pre-Search Consulting

We utilize an Organizational Alignment model to understand the overall vision, mission, and strategy guiding the organization. To effectively fulfill its mission, the organization must have alignment among four key areas:

  • Programs – Services, programs, and products of the organization.
  • Culture – Set of shared assumptions and values under which the group is operating, implicit or explicit.
  • Operations – Organizational structure, financial management, policies, and systems and procedures.
  • People – Stakeholders, search committee, and staff having equal weight; a metaphorical 3-legged stool.

Organizations require different things from their Programs, Culture, Operations, and People at different times. As the strategy changes, it demands changes in each area to maintain alignment.

Listening Sessions

The Engagement Team will conduct “Listening Sessions” with the Search Committee and other key organizational and community stakeholders. This process has proven to develop critical insights regarding the vision and future of the organization while providing the foundation for a leadership profile for the next President & CEO including skills, experiences, and behavioral attributes. “Listening Sessions” create a transparent search environment and provide opportunity for stakeholders to understand the search and ‘buy-in’ to the process.

Opportunity Profile

Information gathered during the pre-search consulting phase, assists HRS in creating a unique marketing document for our clients.

The Opportunity Profile conveys the organization structure, culture, regional perspectives, performance expectations, and vision for the future. The Profile outlines candidate skills, experience, personality, and environmental behaviors required to operate successfully in the city and the region.

The Engagement Team works in concert with our clients to align the Profile with data from our ‘Listening Sessions.” The Profile is then posted prominently on our client’s website.

2. Research & Recruiting

Our Team will devise a “research strategy” to identify appropriate sources of quality candidates; candidates who possess the skills and experiences identified during the pre-search process and enumerated in the Profile. Targets will be determined based on the skills and experiences necessary to meet the expectations of our clients.  Target organizations may include other downtown organizations, economic or community development organizations, utilities, universities, corporations, consulting firms, think tanks, foundations, nonprofits and related NGO’s, and various government agencies. Historically, direct recruitment of candidates identified through research produces the best candidates. We will augment our efforts with our proprietary databases. Strategic online ads will be placed locally, regionally, and nationally, as required.

3. Candidate Evaluation

Candidates deemed highly qualified will be evaluated as follows:

  • Multi-tiered interviewing by the Engagement Team.
  • Finalist candidates interviewed, in-person, by the Engagement Manager.
  • Candidates will complete a writing sample regarding a relevant topic selected by the Search Committee.
  • References include a 360° evaluation, comprehensive background check, & reputational scan of public records.
  • Candidates participate in HRS’s assessment protocol – the Leadership Style Indicator (LSI). LSI results are compared to top-performing CEOs; and/or a unique behavioral profile created by our clients.

Client Interviews

We typically recommend the client interview the top 3-5 candidates for first-round interviews. First-round interviews are facilitated by a member of the Engagement Team. The interview format employs structured, behavior-based questions. Second-round interviews, with 2 finalist candidates, are also facilitated by a member of the Engagement Team. The format consists of candidate presentations on a topic selected by the Search Committee and a social event with an expanded audience of key stakeholders — by invitation only.  HRS has created proprietary tools to collect data during the interviews to afford the Search Committee an opportunity to make an informed, data-supported hiring selection.

4. Offer Negotiation

The Engagement Manager will personally direct the offer and negotiation process. The Engagement Manager has access to extensive proprietary compensation data and has negotiated numerous offers of employment.

5. Onboarding

On Boarding is the process through which new CEOs acquire organizational and market knowledge necessary to reduce the time required to effectively integrate into an organization and impact performance.  Research has demonstrated that Onboarding enhances productivity, accelerates performance, and improves retention and organizational sustainability. HRS provides Onboarding Services via separate contract.